- Download the EcoTaxi App from the App Store or Google play and enter your phone number to sign up
- You’ll receive your passcode via SMS.
- Enter the passcode when prompted and start using the app.

In the menu icon on the top left, you will have these options
- View your balance and the payment methods you have registered.
- View the history of your trips.
- Add your favorite addresses.
- Add a promo code.
- Edit your profile.
- To add your credit card, press “Add a card” in the “Payment Methods” section, you will also have to verify with your processing center (ARCA) to complete the registration.
- Afterwards you can use your card to pay for your trips.
- All your registered cards will be shown in the “Payment Methods” section.

- Press “Order now” or the clock icon to schedule an order.
- After pressing the clock icon, you can preorder a taxi for a later date.
- Pick an address you like or turn on the Global Positioning System (GPS) to locate your position.
- Choose your preferred tariff.
- When you make a ride request, our system will choose the most appropriate vehicle and forward it to you.
- When a driver approves your request, you’ll see the details of the vehicle and its location on the map. You can contact the driver via phone call or the in-built messaging system without revealing your phone number.
- You will receive a notification when the vehicle has arrived.
- Our app will display the current location and the fare of the trip.
- When the trip is complete you can pay part of your trip in collected bonuses.
- After each ride, you will get bonuses that can be used for payment for future trips.

- Rate your ride. This lets us know what we can improve in the future.
- Enjoy your ride with Eco Taxi!